Vidette Lake, BC

Low Sulphidation Gold Vein Potential
Status: Under Consideration
Project Snapshot

Commodity: Gold 

Best Grades: 1.08 g/t Au over 14 m (historic)

Area: 1175 Hectares (11.75 sq km)

Road accessible, 4 hours from Vancouver

Property Summary
The Vidette Lake property consists of two claim blocks, the X and Yard, which are located about 40 km east of 70 Mile House in south central British Columbia. What attracted us to this area is the presence of two ‘windows’ of prospective Nicola Group volcanic suites which are daylighting through a cap of Pleistocene basalts. Within the two properties, anomalous gold grab samples and historic drill results have returned results worthy of follow up.

The area between the two properties is occupied by a series of old mines which exploited auriferous, low-sulphidation quartz veins during the early decades of the 1900s – notably the Vidette mine. Gold was produced at economic grades for several years from these mines, but the structural continuation was not investigated further, likely due to a basalt cap obscuring geology and smothering geochemistry. Work by Hive in the region hypothesized a spatial and metallogenic connection between these low-sulphidation quartz veins and regional scale gravity surveys conducted by GeoscienceBC. Gravity highs are thought to form a ‘backbone’ structure which channels fluids into structural offshoots and splays, potentially allowing gold, silver and copper mineralization.

The gravity surveys let us look through the basalt cap to 1) suggest a possible west-northwest trending structural connection between the X and Yard properties, and 2) show that the historical Vidette veins are aligned along this hypothesized west-northwest strike in between the two claim blocks.

Interactive Property Map

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